Sunday, July 24, 2011

conduct rules

The central civil service conduct rules, 1964 impose various restrictions on central govt employees. Some Do's and Don'ts applicable to employees are given below.

1. Maintain absolute integrity all times.
2. Maintain absolute devotion to duty at all times.
3. Those holding responsible posts - maintain independence and impartiality in the discharge of your duties.
4. Maintain decent and responsible conduct in their private life.
5. Observe proper decorum during lunch break.
6. Render prompt and coureous service to the public.
7. Report to the superiors the fact of your arrest or conviction in a Criminal court and the circumstances connected therewith, as soon as it is possible to do so.
8. Keep away from deomonstrations organized by political parties in the vicinity/ neighbourhood of government offices.
9. Manage private affairs in such a way as to avoid habitual indebtedness or insolvency.
10. Maintain political nutrality.
11. Act in accordance with the government policies.
12. Observe courtesy and consideration to Members of Parliament and State Legislatures.
13. If any legal proceedings are institued for the reocovery of any debt due from you or for adjusting you as an insolvent, report the full facts of such proceedings to the competent authority.
14. In perfomance of duties in good faith, communicate information to a person in accordance with the 'Right to Information Act, 2005' and the rules made thereunder.