Saturday, July 23, 2011


“One little book, for instance, may preserve to all generations the soul and essence of the thoughts of a most gifted mind, and of the graces of a noble heart.”-A.B.BRUCE
My Journey on the Chariot of Time is an Autobiography of a retired SSPOs who had started his career in the postal department in the year 1960. His eventful life as well as service has been a continuous struggle successfully waged against the evil forces obstructing his forward going and therefore it has the potential to inspire the new generation in all walks of life especially those who are now serving in the Department. The reader will come to know about him and his amazing book from the following lines.

What others have to say about the Book?
“ I found chapters one to five and 39 to 41 the most interesting. They gave the best glimpses of your literary style and intellectual and moral traits. Please keep it up. Let us have more such writings from you”. Vijay Chitale, Rtd. CPMG……”At last we have a long overdue book and the first attempt to its kind from an Officer who rose from the ranks and has dared to question with audacity an unfair system. …I feel this book should be read by all Officers and staff in the department as an eye opener…The book is full of poetic, lyrical expressions which capture the innocence of the times…Samuel highlights the obvious, which is known to all, but never brought to the lips, lest the sensibilities of the perpetrators are disturbed.. For postal staff and officers the book rings a familiar bell and for others not aware of postal working, an opportunity to know about its internal functioning and complexities of hierarchy….The book has set a high standard and anyone venturing to chronicle their life and times in the department will have to try their best to live up to this benchmark in order to sustain attention. Ms Madhuri Dabral, Director  O/o the DG, DOP, New Delhi. ‘ My Journey on the Chariot of Time’ is as much an exposition of Mr. Samuel’s philosophy as a biography, smoothly moving backwards and forwards from events in his life to his intellectual and religious beliefs. The result is a complex but rewarding outline of one man’s view of the world…..Mr. Samuel was an upright and no-nonsense postal officer…. For him a compromise was not an acceptable option. He had his dose of hardships and frustrations. My Journey is almost a guide to the travails and tribulations of a conscientious government servant.   In it he has produced a superb autobiography. I congratulate him for this splendid effort and wish him all the best”. Shri T.B. Reddy, Retired PMG. “Bhopal Gas Tragedy,----methodology of postal investigation----and a host of other soul-stirring thoughts with relevant quotations from great men make this book a sumptuous feast with variety of delicacies ready on a dining table.” G.S. Asiwal, GS, City Trade Union, Bhopal…..   “This book is interesting in many respects. The words and phrases and….used in this book….point towards a profound mind and voracious reader behind them”. Rev. P.T. Koshy…  “ Use of quotations of…and a number of uncommon sayings and idioms adorn this book….It is enjoyable to all with different perceptions…are written in masterly literary style displaying sublime moral and intellectual traits of the author…it is really a journey from the physical world to the spiritual realm of eternity”. Review by Vivek Trivedi in The Pioneer dated 7-12-2010. …. “In this book Samuel has written beautifully the emotional bonding of villagers with the post offices, high and low of feelings, and the habit and attitude of villagers. The book also explains the importance of relationships, happy and sad times”.  Hindustan Times 05-12-2010…AND MANY MORE!
The price of the book is Rs.200/-.Discount Rs. 50/- is given to postal employees. Those who desire to have a book may remit MO for Rs. 225/- or 175/- as the case may be at the address, E. M. Samuel, 91, Snehanagar, Misrod Po, Bhopal 462047.They may place order  by SMS on 9826824981 or by e-mail samuelgeevarughese@ if  the MO- communication space is not enough to do so.