The 37th All India Biennial Conference of our Association was held successfully in the City of Gardens Bangaluru on 28th and 29th January, 2012. Total 234 delegates from 19 Circles attended the conference and good number of them actively participated in the deliberations held during the course of the conference. I am extremely thankful to every one of you for having me elected for the coveted post of General Secretary of our Association. I am overwhelmed by the affection all of you have shown to me. Our Association is currently passing through a crucial phase. I will surely make efforts to rise to the occasion and try to execute my duties as General Secretary to the fullest of my capacity. As you know, to run this Association is a team work and without your collective support it may not be possible for any GS to lead the Association from the front. In any case, I will require support from all of you and then only I will be able to carry out the legacy set by my predecessors. We will work together with all our office bearers and CWC members of CHQ as well as Circle Secretaries of all Circle branches, this is what I want to commit on this occasion from my side as a Torch Bearer of the Association.
I extend my heartfelt thanks to Shri Roop Chandji, the outgoing General Secretary for the hard and sincere work put up by him during his tenure. I shall be failing in my duty if I forget to mention the names of Shri S. Samuel our Ex-GS, Shri P. R. Satyanaran Ex-President, Shri G. P. Lahiry Ex-President and Shri Dinesh Khareji the outgoing President for conferring faith on me. The list will not be complete without including the name of Shri. P.M. Shirsat, Ex-CS/ Ex-President, Maharashtra Circle and Shri P. R. Parodhi Ex-VP CHQ and Ex-President Maharashtra Circle. All of these bigwigs together with their work continue to inspire me till now.
During this tenure of General Secretary of the Association, I shall remain approachable to all members through the following means on which all members are most welcome to convey their opinions and suggestions :-
<!--[if !supportLists]-->1. <!--[endif]-->Mobile No. : 09869417961
<!--[if !supportLists]-->3. <!--[endif]-->Office Address : ASP, New Mumbai Sub Division,
Vashi (Maharashtra) PIN - 400 703.
- Office Tele. No.: 022/27657041