The 37th All India Biennial Conference of our Association was held at Bangaluru on 28th and 29th January, 2012. Out of 22 circles, 234 delegates from 19 circles attended and actively participated in the deliberations. There was no representation from Assam, J & K and Himachal Pradesh circle branches.
Deliberations on following issues have been taken place and approved by the august house.
1. Confirmation of the minutes of Biennial Conference of the Association held at New Delhi on 3rd and 4th April 2010.
Shri Roop Chand, General Secretary read out the minutes of the 36th AIC held at New Delhi on 3rd and 4th April, 2010 and it was unanimously approved by the august body.
2. Approval of Biennial report of CHQ for the period from 02/04/2010 to 26/01/2012.
General Secretary read out the report and it was unanimously adopted and approved by the house.
3. Approval of Audited accounts of CHQ for the period from 02/04/2010 to 26/01/2012.
Shri Jeetram, CHQ Treasurer presented the accounts for the period from 02.4.2010 to 26.1.2012. The Treasurer answered/clarified to queries raised by members satisfactorily and accounts were finally passed by the house.
4. (a) Upgradation of grade pay of Inspector Posts from Rs. 4200/- to Rs. 4600/- w. e. f. 01/01/2006.
General Secretary explained that determination of the pay structure is the job of experts sitting in Pay Commissions entrusted with the specific job and the Government cannot attempt selective revisions without addressing its impact on analogous cadres. Having restored parity by virtue of the recommendations of Fifth Pay Commission, the Government can not try to undo the same and create a blatant discrimination between analogous cadres. Strange it is to find that the Ministry of Finance, having disturbed the relativities are trying to find new logic to deny the well merited parity to the cadre of Inspectors and Assistant Superintendent Posts.
The consistent attempts by this Association to bring into focus all these facts to the Department and to the Government have fallen into deaf ears. Instead the Department has been toying with the idea of abolishing the cadre of Assistant Superintendent Posts and merging the two posts into one without any specific assurance to enhance the career progression of this cadre. The posts of Assistant Superintendents exist in the Department from the inception of the cadre of Inspector of Post Offices and the Assistant Superintendents are the second level officers in the Postal Division and in reality the de facto administrators of the Postal Division. Assistant Superintendent Posts were conferred with ‘Gazetted status’ in the year 2005 as the Government was convinced that the nature of duties performed by them are higher and the responsibilities shared by them are unique to the Department and therefore deserve a higher level of recognition and now just to remove the man-made anomaly which has caused undue discrimination to the cadre of Inspectors, neither the Department of Posts nor the Government can demand our passive and unconditional acceptance to the merger of the Inspector and Assistant Superintendent Posts which have different degrees of responsibilities. While the Department has rightly recognized the need to place the Inspector Posts in higher pedestal on par with Inspectors of CBDT/CBEC and accordingly recommended to the Ministry of Finance also, the same Department cannot now demand unconditional acceptance from our Association to accept an unified single cadre of Inspectors or unilaterally alter the cadre structure for the simple reason that the MOF does not accept the proposal from the Department to restore parity without any valid reason and such a step would definitely be retrograde in nature.
The Hon’ble CAT, Ernakulam Bench has dealt at length the background of our claim seeking parity and has rightly appreciated our earnest efforts to secure parity with the Inspectors of CBDT/CBEC and has therefore allowed the OA with further directions to the Ministry of Finance to have a re-look in the matter at the level of Secretary and consider the case of the Inspector (Posts) for upgradation of their grade pay at par with that of the Inspector of Income Tax, CBDT and CBEC and to consider upward revision of the grade pay of ASPs as well.
Opinion of all Circle branches was obtained. Shri.S.Samuel ex-General Secretary, Shri.G.P.Lahiri ex CHQ President and Shri.P.R.Satyanarayanan ex CHQ President spoke in length about the circumstances under which the post of ASP was sanctioned and how gazetted status was obtained after a long struggle. While all other cadres in the central government are expanding their cadre strength and number of posts, why this cadre alone is asked to surrender the promotional avenues and go backward. Finally, the house decided to oppose merger and passed the following resolution:
“ We are against the merger of Inspector Posts and Assistant Superintendents Posts Cadre. Inspector Posts should be granted grade pay of Rs. 4600/- w. e. f. 01/01/2006 at par with the Inspectors CBDT/CBEC in tune with the direction of the Hon. CAT Ernakulam Bench”.
(b) Restructuring of Inspector Posts cadre and Second CRC.
The Second Cadre Review took place in the year 1986. The Committee recommended upgrading 245 posts of ASP to PS Group B. A Presidential order was also issued in this regard but till date it was not implemented by the department. Here also the Department Expenditure created a mess of it. Now the department is talking about another CRC after rendering injustice to this cadre by its failure to implement the earlier one. The department has constituted a Committee under the chairmanship of Shri. Ashutosh Tripathi, Chief PMG, M.P Circle. The terms of reference to the committee are as under:
(1) To revisit the norms for creation of new Postal Division and Regions as well as upgradation of Class II Divisions into Class I Divisions.
(2) To study the feasibility of organizational restricting of fields formations (Circle and below) keeping in view the emerging needs for India Post in new socio-economic environment.
(3) Review of norms for upgradation of Post Offices.
(4) To study the feasibility of strengthening / creation of Postal Assistants/ Sorting Assistants posts in view of increased need of System Administrators.
(5) Any other relevant issue as may be assigned by the Competent Authority later.
(6) The time period of this Committee to submit its recommendations is three months.
Here also the department is planning to upgrade Class II divisions into class I divisions which will mostly beneficial to IPoS officers only. Many of the Class II divisions in which promoted officers are working are likely to lose promotional prospects. The house decided to deal with the subject separately without linking it with up-gradation Grade Pay to IPs.
(c) CAT Ernakulam Judgement dated 19/10/2011 in OA No. 381/2010.
General Secretary informed that Directorate would be submitting the required information in this regard to MoF. The house requested the General Secretary to pursue the case at appropriate level and see that the orders of Hon’ble CAT is implemented.
(d) Regular promotion to PS Group B cadre.
General Secretary elaborated the issue and informed the house that two DPCs had already been convened, one on 27/11/2011 & the second on 17/11/2011. Total 344 members have been promoted to PS Group B cadre and supplementary DPC is also likely to be convened soon.
(e) PS Group ‘B’ and Sr. Postmaster Examination.
General Secretary informed that the examination for the promotion to the cadre of Sr. PM was notified by the Department to be conducted on 31st December 2011. Department took a decision not to allow ASPs for the examination. This order was challenged before the CAT Chandigarh and Hyderabad. Finally, Department postponed the examination until further orders. Both the cases are still pending before the Honourable CATs. Department has notified the date of PS Group B examination on 27th May 2012 and Sr. PM Examination in November 2012 without waiting for the final decision of Honourable CATs.
The representatives of Maharashtra, Kerala & Odisha participated in the discussion effectively and pointed out that ASPs & adhoc PS Group B officers should also be made eligible for Sr. Postmaster examination. It was finally decided that the CHQ will take up the matter with Directorate.
(f) & (g) Provision of infrastructure to Sub Division / Re-organisation of sub divisions.
Many of the sub-divisional offices are functioning from sub-standard accommodation. The venture into new area of business development, Rural PLI etc. has increased the work load and public contact in many folds. Hence, the house requested the department to provide proper justified accommodation to all Sub Divisions.
(h) Supply of Laptops / computers with broad band connection for all Inspector Posts / ASP except Sub Divisional Heads.
Secretary Posts, in her address in the last AIC New Delhi assured to supply Laptop not only to Sub Divisions but also to all IPs/ASPs working in other offices. Supply of Laptops has commenced to all Sub Divisions but yet to reach to few more Sub Divisions. Representatives of Karnataka Circle informed the house that none of the Sub Divisions in their Circle has been supplied with Laptop. Circle Secretaries of Rajasthan & Punjab also took part in the discussion and it was unanimously decided that CHQ will take up the case with Directorate for supply of Laptops to all IPs & ASPs including pending sub divisions. Though Lap top have been supplied partially, broad band connections are yet to be provided.
Issue of combined All India Seniority List of IPs from the year 1999.
It has been decided that CHQ will get the information through RTI.
(j) Revision of rates of remuneration for Invigilator duty.
GS informed to the house that, the case has already been taken up with the Directorate and it is under consideration.
(k) MACP scheme.
GS appraised the house that, DOPT has already framed rules and regulations and therefore our Department could not make any changes therein.
(l) Decentralization of PLI / RPLI work to divisions.
Delegates from circles participated in the discussion and it has been decided that, separate set-up with full fledged manpower consisting of MTS, PAs, IPs, ASPs & AAOs should be provided in all divisions for smooth functioning of PLI/RPLI work. CHQ will take up the case with Directorate.
(m) Women and Youth participation in the activities of the Association.
GS made an appeal to all circles to motivate and increase the participation of women & youth members Circle and CHQ level activities. Women and youth members should be encouraged for effective participation in Association activities. They must be roped in for organizational work by electing them to Circle/CHQ body. Smt.T.V.Sundari, AGS-I commended the excellent work done by women members of our Association particularly women IP/ASP from Karnataka Circle in the successful conduct of the All India Conference.
(n) Activities in the Association with PSI.
Shri. Dinesh Khare, President, Smt. T.V.Sundari AGS-I and Shri.Manjunatha Huballi informed the house various work place campaigns, seminars/workshops organized in Tamilnadu/Karnataka Circles in co-ordination with Public Services International (PSI). The President stated that Karnataka Circle was always associated with PSI and its affiliates in the state of Karnataka and he desired that CHQ might continue the Trade Union activities in co-ordination with PSI.
(o) Any other item with the permission of the chair.
Many circles participated in various issues effectively and placed the following demandeds:
i. Rule 38 cases to be considered quickly.
ii. The cases of surplus qualified candidates should also be considered quickly.
iii. Clerical assistance to the sub divisional head.
iv. Delay in MACP cases in MP circle
v. Negative Valuation in all examinations.
vi. Cases of up-gradation of ASPs in the scale of Rs. 7450/- as per Fifth Pay Commission.
vii. Non-payment of RPLI incentives since 2009 to sub divisional heads in Karnataka Circle.
CHQ will take up these cases with the Directorate.
5. Organisational review.
The august body took review of organization functioning. GS informed that CHQ took efforts and revived the defunct Branch of Jharkhand Circle. But despite such efforts in J&K, the defunct Branch in that circle remains defunct.
6. Financial review.
The financial position of CHQ is not so sound. GS informed the house that Circle Branches are not prompt in remitting 40% due quota to CHQ as required vide Article 39 of our Association’s Constitution. He appealed to all Circle Secretaries to remit the CHQ quota in full and in time so that the CHQ could function effectively.
7. Merger of Postal Officers’ Association, India with All India Association of Inspectors & ASP.
Members mooted the idea of merger of our Association with Postal Officers’ Association India. After a detailed discussion it was decided not to go with merger proposal.
8. Postal Inspector / CHQ blog.
GS explained the house that due to want of fund/support from circles, the mouth piece of our Association could not be brought out monthly. “Postal Inspector” can be published every month or at least on quarterly basis if all members subscribe to it. Circles can also extend support by placing a constant demand for certain number of copies by remitting subscription in advance.
9 & 10. Approval for draft resolutions / Amendment to Constitution.
In all, 7 resolutions are adopted unanimously by the august house.
i) To amend Article 38 of the Constitution; this stipulates a monthly subscription of Rs. 30/- from every member increasing the same to Rs. 50/- p. m.
ii) To amend Note 2 below Article 44 (a) inserting the word “or Assistant Circle Secretary” after the word ‘Organising Secretary’.
iii) To provide separate establishment at Divisional Level for carrying out works related to PLI / RPLI consequent upon decentralization. The work relates to verification of policies and sanctioning claims to be got verified by a separate Accounts Officer or divisional accountant rather than by the ASP (HQ). The Association also resolved to request the Department to issue clear cut orders with respect to payment of incentives and to clear all pending incentive bills of IP / ASP at the earliest.
iv) To conduct DPC for PS Gr. B in time. Instructions issued by DOPT to prepare an extended panel should be followed scrupulously and the department should into consideration vacancies that arise out of unforeseen circumstances including cases of unwillingness. This will reduce the increasing number of adhoc promotion given in PS Gr. B cadre in the Circles.
v) To urge the Secretary (Posts) to give direction immediately to Chief PMG Tamil Nadu to withdraw the cluster transfer policy being adopted in that circle for IPs/ ASPs; this is causing much resentment among the members of Tamil Nadu.
vi) To urge the Department to clearly lay down the roll of the Sub Divisional Head while handling loss and fraud cases which exceeds the limit of Rs. 20000/-. While monetary limits are fixed for officers at various level including DPS and PMsG, responsibilities of SDIs are not clarified with clear guidelines which should be put in place.
vii) We are against the merger of Inspector Posts and Assistant Superintendents Posts Cadre. The grade pay of Inspector Posts should be upgraded to Rs. 4600/- w. e. f. 01/01/2006 at par with the Inspectors CBDT/CBEC and analogous cadres in other Central Government ministries/departments in tune with the direction of the Hon. CAT Ernakulam Bench.
11. Election of Office bearers for the next term.
The following members have been elected as CHQ office bearers and CWC members for the next two years term.
Sr.No. | Post | Name | Designation & Office | Circle | |||
01 | President | Shri Suresh Kumar Sharma | Offg. SRM “I” Dn. Jalandhar | Punjab | |||
02 | Vice President-I | Shri Navin Chandar | ASP Bantvel Sub Division | Karnataka | |||
03 | Vice President-II | Shri B.B. Mohanty | Offg. ADPS (Rectt.) CO, Bhubaneshwar | Odisha | |||
04 | General Secretary | Shri Vilas S. Ingale | ASP, New Mumbai Sub Division, Vashi 400703 | Maharashtra | |||
05 | Asst. General Secretary-I | Shri Ram Vinay Sharma | ASP West Sub Dn Muzaffarpur | Bihar | |||
06 | Asst. General Secretary-II | Shri T.M. Krishnaswami | ASP (Vig.) o/o CPMG, Trivandrum | Kerala | |||
07 | Asst. General Secretary-III | Sri Y. Venkateswarulu | ASP, Siddipet Sub Division | A.P. | |||
08 | Asst. General Secretary-IV | Ms. Usha K.R. | ASP (HQ) Belgaum Div., Belgaum | Karnataka | |||
09 | Org. General Secretary-I | Shri P. Jagatselvan | Postmaster, St. Thomas Mount HO, Chennai 600016 | T.N. | |||
10 | Org. General Secretary-II | Shri Nirmalya Mitra | ASP Sundarban Sub Division | W.B. | |||
11 | Org. General Secretary-III | Shri N.K. Soni | ASP, o/o CPMG, Bhopal | M.P. | |||
12 | Org. General Secretary-IV | Shri Atma Ram | ASP (BD) o/o PMG, Ajmer. | Rajasthan | |||
12 | Org. General Secretary-IV | Shri Sharvendu Sekhar Srivastava | ASP (SB), o/o CPMG, Lucknow. | U.P. | |||
13 | Treasurer | Shri Santosh S. Kulkarni | ASP (Philately) o/o CPMG Mumbai-1 | Maharashtra | |||
14 | Asst. Treasurer-I | Shri L.N. Mahato | ASP Gariaband Sub Division-493889 | Chattisgarh | |||
15 | Asst. Treasurer-II | Ms. Fideles Khonbri | ASP (HQ), Meghalaya Dn. Shillong | N.E. | |||
16 | Auditor | Shri M.D. Shukla | ASP (HQ) Bharuch | Gujarat | |||
17 | Asst. Auditor-I | Shri Rohtas Singh | ASP Sub Div. Faridabad | Haryana | |||
18 | Asst. Auditor-II | Shri Lalit Joshi | ASP (Mails/Logistics) CO, Dehradun. | Uttaranchal | |||
12. Next Biennial All India Conference/ CWC meeting
Circle Secretary of Bihar Circle has volunteered to hold 38th All India Conference of our Association in their circle.
Circle Secretary of M. P. Circle has come forward to hold next CWC meeting in their circle.