PLI Directorate Memo No. 25-3/2003-LI dated 17/1/2012.
The President is pleased to make the following amendments to “Post Office Life Insurance Rules 2011” published on 28th April, 2011 in Gazette of India No.85(Part-I Section –I Extraordinary)
a) The amount of maximum or aggregate sum assured mentioned as Rs.Ten Lac (Rs.10.00.000/-) in Rules No.7, 14 and 17(e) may now be read as Rs. Twenty Lac (Rs.20,00,000/-) in respect of PLI.
b) The amount of maximum or aggregate sum assured mentioned as Rs.Three Lac (Rs.3.00.000/-) in Rules No.9(a), 10(a), 15 and 17(e) may now be read as Rs. Five Lac (Rs.5,00,000/-) in respect of RPLI.
The amendments shall be effective from the date of issue of this Notification.
(Shekhar K. Sinha)
Chief General Manager (PLI)
Equivalent to Addl. Secy. to Govt. of India