Report from All India Conference Bangalore
The 37 th All India conference of IP/ASP association held at NGO association hall Cubban Park Bangalore. 26 delegates from AP circle attended the conference. The biannual report of the General Secretary submitted to the CWC is furnished here under for the information of the members back at their places.
Biennial Report for the period from 02.04.2010 to 27.01.2012
Dear Friends,
I have great pleasure in welcoming you to the 37th All India Biennial Conference of our Association being held at Bangalore. I am happy to present this Biennial Report before this August Body on behalf of the Central Working Committee of the Association.
1. Homage: We have lost many precious souls. Some of them are our dear and near ones, national leaders, world leaders, our own members and innocent people and children. The deaths have been caused by sickness, accident, natural calamities, war, terrorist attacks etc. Our association mourns the death of all. We bow down our heads and pay homage to following departed souls.
Delhi: Shri R.S. Harihar, ASP [Retired]
Tamilandu: Shri Sundararajan, ASP.
Odhisa: Shri Prasanna Kumar Behera, ASP [OD], Puri Division.
Maharashtra: Shri Sitaram N Auti, SDI [P], Kher Sub Division
2. 36th All India Conference:
36th All India Biennial Conference of our Association was held at New Delhi from 2nd to 4th of April 2010. The following members were elected as CHQ office bearers and CWC members for the next term.
SL No Post Name and Address
01 President Shri Dinesh Khare, Karnataka Cicle
02 Vice President I Shri U.C.Prasad, Bihar Circle
03 Vice President II Sh. RS Gaikwad, Maharashtra Circle
04 General Secretary Sh. Roop Chand, Delhi Circle
05 Asstt. General Secretary I Smt. T.V. Sundari, Tamilnadu Circle
06 Asstt. General Secretary II Sh.Pitabasa Jana, Odisha Circle
07 Asstt. General Secretary III Sh.Nirmalya Mitra, WB Circle
08 Asstt. General Secretary IV Sh.R.K.Joshy, Punjab Circle
09 Organizing Secretary I Sh.Atma Ram, Rajasthan Circle
10 Organizing Secretary II Smt. Fedelis Khongbri, NE Circle
11 Organizing Secretary III Sh.V.R.Shah, Gujarat Circle
12 Organizing Secretary IV Sh.T.M.Krishnaswamy, Kerala Circle
13 Organizing Secretary V Sh.L.N.Mahato, Chattisgarh Circle
14 Treasurer Sh.Jeet Ram, Delhi Circle
15 Asstt. Treasurer Sh. S S Srivastava, UP Circle
Sh.N.K.Soni, MP Circle was appointed as Auditor and Sh.R.C.Sharma, HP Circle was appointed as Assistant Auditor.
3. Central Working Committee Meeting:
Three CWC meetings were held during the past two years. The first one was held at Ambaji, Gujarat on 16, 17th December 2010. Minutes of the meeting were published on the Blog of the CHQ. The second CWC meeting was held at Patna, Bihar on 23rd and 24th September 2011. Minutes of the meetings were published on the Blog of the CHQ. The third one is pre-conference CWC meeting now held on 27th January 2012 at Bangalore. We thank Shri M.R.Desai, Circle Secretary, Gujarat Circle, Shri Raj Deo Prasad, Circle Secretary, Bihar Circle and Shri Naveen Chandar, Circle Secretary, Karnataka Circle and their team for having extended their co-operation for the successful conduct of CWC meetings.
4. Promotion to PS Group B:
After repeated requests and reminders and enormous pressure exerted by our Association by frequent meetings with the D.G. [Posts] and other officers in the Postal Directorate, one supplementary DPC was convened on 13.08.10 and as a result of the supplementary DPC, 21 Officers were selected in PS Group B Cadre.. Two DPCs were convened, one on 27.11.2010 and second one on 17.11. 2011. In the first DPC, 141 officers were selected and in the second DPC 182 officers were selected. Totally 344 members have been promoted in to PS Group B cadre since last conference. A supplementary DPC is also likely to be conducted soon.
5. Promotion from IP to ASP:
Feedback received from Circles shows that DPC for promotion from IP to ASP is convened in time in some Circles and some Circles are making ad hoc arrangements instead of regular promotion in ASP Grade. Our aim is to ensure that IP gets his promotion uniformly in all Circles.
6. Committee constituted to look into the promotional prospects of IPOs/ASPOs: Two meetings of the above Committee were held on 18.10.2011 and 03.11.2011 in Dak Bhavan, New Delhi. Minutes of the meetings of the Committee were issued by the Department vide No.01-01/2011 – SR dated 14.11.2011. The Staff Side was represented by Shri Dinesh Khare, President, Shri Roop Chand, General Secretary and Shri Hari Mohan, Circle Secretary, Punjab Circle. Minutes of the meeting are re-produced below for information of the AIC.
“ In a meeting taken by Secretary [Posts] with all India Association of Inspectors and Assistant Superintendent of Posts on 11.08.2011, it was decided to constitute a Committee which will look into promotional prospects of IPOs/ASPOs. Accordingly, a Committee was constituted under the Chairpersonship of Member [Personnel] vide Department’s Office Order No 1/1/2011-SR dated 09.09.2011. The Committee had its first meeting on 18.10.2011, followed by another meeting on 03.11.2011. The following were present.
Sl No Official Side Staff Side
1 Member [Personnel] Shri Dinesh Khare, President of Association
2 DDG [Estt] Shri Roopchand, General Secretary of Association
3 Director [T&C] Shri Hari Mohan, Circle Secretary, Punjab Circle
4 Director [SR & Legal]
5 Director [Establishment]
6 Director [Staff]
The meeting started with the Chairman welcoming the Staff side. Thereafter, the Staff side explained in detail the stagnation being faced by them in the cadre of IPOs/ASPOs and the long span of service running up to 26 years which they have to put in, before they get promotion to Group-B. The Staff side also referred to the restructuring of IPOs/ASPOs cadre which the Department look long back but the proposal did not get through. The Staff side also made a mention of the Grade Pay and promotional prospects of Inspectors in the Departments like Income Tax and Central Excise etc., and pleaded for a parity with them.
The Chairperson brought to the notice of the Staff side the difference in the hierarchical structures that exists in the Department of Posts and other Departments like Income Tax and Central Excise as also Central Secretariat. It was explained to the staff side that, while in other Departments Inspectors get promotion direct to Group-B, in the Department of Posts there was an intermediary grade of ASPOs who had been conferred the gazette status about 5 years ago. The Staff side was also informed of the response of the Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure in the matter of raising the Grade Pay of Inspectors from the existing Rs.4200 to Rs.4600 so as to bring them on par with Inspectors in Other Departments. While discussing the possibility of upgrading certain posts in the Circle Offices and other field formations to Group B so as to accelerate the promotional prospects of IPOs/ASPOs, it was made very clear to the staff side that in view of the response of the Department of Expenditure, they would first have to forego the Gazetted status of ASPOs so as to have single level in the cadre as it may facilitate raising the grade pay of IPOs from the existing Rs.4200 to Rs.4600 and may pave way for speedier promotion due to upgrading of certain posts to Group B.
The Staff side intimated that they are to have their next CWC meeting in the 2nd half of January 2012 where they would discuss the proposal of foregoing the Gazetted status of ASPOs and upgradation of IPOs, as discussed in the preceeding paragraph and would revert back to the Department with a final proposal.
The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the Chair”.
7. Meeting with the Secretary [Posts]:
Secretary [Posts] took a meeting with our Association on 11.08.2011 which was attended by by the GS along with Shri.Dinesh Khare, President, CHQ, Shri Ajith Kumar, CS Kerala and Shri Raj Deo Prasad, CS Bihar. On the issue of upgradation of GP of IP from Rs.4200 to Rs.4600 with effect from 01.01.2006. It was appraised by the Secretary [Posts] that the proposal of upgradation would be considered only if IPOs and ASPOs cadres are merged into one cadre and the gazette status of ASPOs is foregone. This august body has to take a decision now.
8. CAT Enrakulam Order dated 19.10.2011 on Grade Pay of IP:
In its order dated 19.10.2011 in OA 381/2010 on Grade Pay of IPs, the Hon.CAT Ernakulam has observed and ordered as follows.
“Thus, within the parameters prescribed by the Apex Court in respect of the powers of the Tribunal in dealing with the fixation of Pay scale the case has been considered and the Tribunal is of the considered view that there is no justification in denying the Inspector(Posts) the higher Grade Pay of Rs 4600 when the same is admissible to Inspectors of other Departments with whom parity has been established by the very Sixth Pay Commission vide its report at para 7.6.14 extracted above. The Department of Post also equally recommends the same and as such, at appropriate level, the Ministry of Finance has to have a re-look in the matter dispassionately and keeping in view the aforesaid discussion. The ASPOs, as a result can be granted a grade pay of Rs.4800/- and the Superintendents grade pay of Rs.5400, as in the case of Superintendents of Central Excise & Customs.
34. In view of the above, the OA is allowed to the extent that keeping in tune with the observations of the Sixth Pay Commission, coupled with the strong recommendations of the Department of Post and also in the light of our discussion as above, first respondent, i.e. the Ministry of Finance shall have a re-look in the matter at the level of Secretary and consider the case of the Inspector (Posts) for upgradation of their grade pay at par with that of the Inspector of income tax, of CBDT and CBEC. This will make the grade pay of Inspector (Posts) at par with that of the promotional post of Assistant Superintendents of Post Offices, it is expedient to consider and upward revision of the grade pay of ASPs as well. All the necessary details and statistics as required by the Ministry of Finance shall be made available by the second Respondent i.e. the Director General of Posts. It is expected that within a reasonable time, the respondents shall arrive at a judicious decision and implement the same”.
The matter now rests with the Government.
9. Examination to PS Group B / Senior Postmaster:
Any departmental examination for promotion to higher post is to be held every year for the specific vacancies that have arisen in the previous year so that the eligible candidate for a particular year vacancy would get opportunity to seek selection. The Departmental Examination for promotion to the Cadre of PS Group B was conducted by the Department during the year 2010 and 2011.
The examination for promotion to the cadre of Senior Postmaster [Gazetted] was notified by the Department to be conducted on 31st December 2011 for the first time. Department took decision not to allow ASPs to take the examination. This order of the Department was challenged before the CAT, Chandigarh and Hyderabad. Ultimately, Department postponed the examination for indefinite period. Both the cases are still pending before the Hon.CATs.
Department has notified PS Group B Examination during May 2012 and Senior Postmaster Examination during November 2012 without waiting for the final decision of the Hon.CAT.
10. Departmental Examination for promotion to the cadre of Inspector Posts:
The Departmental Examination for the year 2011 was conducted by the Postal Directorate through outsourcing on 14th and 15th of October 2011. Sufficient number of candidates were not successful in Paper III as questions were out of syllabus. Finally, Department took decision to reconduct the examination for Paper III on 29th of January 2012 after examining of the issue by the Committee constituted for the purpose.
11. Allotment of Surplus qualified IP candidates:
The above scheme has been discontinued by the Department during the year 2011.
12. Residential telephones/Mobile phone to IP/ASP:
In view of the diversified nature of work performed by the IPs & ASPs, we requested the Postal Dte. to cause reimbursement of Residential and Mobile Telephone Charges on an uniform basis. Directorate has permitted Heads of the Circles to provide residential telephone to IP/ASP based on requirement. Accordingly, several Circles have issued orders in this regard after due initiation by the CHQ wherever necessary. Consequent upon revision of financial powers of Heads of Postal/RMS Divisions, the reimbursement of mobile charges has come within the powers of the Divisional Head. Many of the Divisions in the Country are granting reimbursement to their IPs/ASPs within their financial powers. Circle Branches are requested to take up this issue with Circle heads for issue of suitable instructions in this regard to remaining Divisions not granting reimbursements.
13. Supply of laptop to Sub Divisions:
Postal Directorate has the supplied the Laptops to all Postal Sub Divisions during the year 2010 along with data card/broad band facility and Printers. But, the supply of Laptops for IP/ASPs who are working in other than Sub Divisions has not yet materialized. CHQ is earnestly persuing the efforts for supply of LAPTOPs/ Desktops with broad band connections for all IPs/ASPs other than Sub Divisional Heads.
14. Circle Activities:
Biennial Conferences of the following Circles were reported to have held on various dates and the details are furnished below:
Sl.No. Circle Month Place Circle President
S/Shri Circle Secretary
1. Punjab May 2010 Chandigarh Suresh Kumar Sharma Harimohan
2. Bihar May 2010 Patna Ramvinay Sharma Rajdeo Prasad
3 Kerala May 2010 Palakkad KP Suresh Kumar Ajith Kumar
4 Delhi June 2010 New Delhi A.K.Jain RD Sharma
5. Tamilnadu August 2010 Thanjavur M.Balakrishna S.Rajendra Babu
6 Maharashtra August 2010 Nagpur MS Badwe Vilas Ingale
HP August 2010 Shree Naina Devi P.C.Sharma B.S.Sen
8 Jharkhand October 2010 Ranchi Sadhan Kumar Sinha
Satyapir Mandal
9 Assam Nov 2010 Guwahati Md.Abdul Hye
10 Rajasthan Sept 2011 Jaipur Atma Ram Bhupendra Parashar
11 Haryana Dec 2011 Ambala Tara Chand Sharma Hira Lal
12 West Bengal January 2012 Chandannagar Ananda Chakraborty Arup Kumar Seal
13 UP January 2012 Vrindaban Prabhakar Tripathi Komal Singh
14 Odisha January 2012 Bhubaneswar Sk Md.Noman Pitabasa Jena
15 M.P January 2012 Gwalior BS Tomar R.P.Jaiswal
General Secretary attended the conference of Punjab, Bihar, Delhi, Tamilnadu, Maharashtra, Jharkhand and UP Circles.
Circle Working Committee Meeting of Punjab Circle was also attended by the General Secretary.
Circles like AP, Gujarat, Uttarakhand, Chhattisgarh are due to conduct their biennial Circle Conference in near future.
15. Payment of CHQ Quota of subscription:
The monthly subscription is prescribed as Rs 30/- . The Circle Association is expected to enroll every one as member and is required to remit 40% of the subscription collected to CHQ. But the CHQ quota remitted by the Circle Branches is not encouraging. The quota paid by the Circle branches after 01.04.2010 is furnished below:
Ser Name of the Circle Quota (Rs)
1 Andhra Pradesh 18000
2 Assam --
3 Bihar 1000
4 Chattisgarh 10000
5 Delhi 12000
6 Gujarat --
7 Himachal Pradesh 4000
8 Haryana --
9 Jharkhand 7000
10 Jammu & Kashmir --
11. Kerala 27400
12 Karnataka 28000
13 Madhya Pradesh 12500
14 Maharashtra 25344
15 North East 12300
16 Orissa 40000
17 Punjab 8000
18 Rajasthan 19400
19 Tamilnadu 12500
20 Uttarakhand 2000
21 Uttar Pradesh 18950
22 West Bengal 22000
The above figures are for twenty two months. Now the Conference is held biennially. Previously the same amount was received annually. It should have been doubled this time. But Circle Associations have not remitted due quota of CHQ. Some circles have paid very little. CHQ is run with the help of financial assistance given by major circles like AP, Kerala, Karnataka Maharashtra, Odisha, Rajasthan, UP and West Bengal. Chattisgarh, Delhi and NE Circles though they are small in size have contributed generously. There is no response from Circles like Assam, Gujarat and Haryana.
16. FSC for IPs/ASPs holding the independent charge of Sub Divisions:
FSC was revised from Rs.100 to Rs.200 with effect form 01.12.2010 vide Postal Directorate No.23-1/2008-PAP dated 02.12.2010.
17. Activities in co-ordination with PSI:
Public Services International (PSI), is a global trade union organization with headquarters at Ferney-Voltaire Cedex, France. 640 trade unions spread over in 154 countries are affiliated to it. Our Association is one among them. Ms. Yiva Torn and Mr.Peter Waldorff are President and General Secretary of PSI respectively. It has its Sub-Regional office in India at Faridabad. Ms. V. Lakshmi, is the Regional Secretary for South Asia and Mr. R. Kannan is the sub-regional Secretary for South Asia. The General Secretary attended a seminar on Traded Union rights in December 2010 at Bhopal alongwith Ms. T.V. Sundari, AGS. The PSI conducted a series of workshop and workplace campaign on Traded Union rights, collective bargaining rights, negotiation skills etc. in various places in Tamilnadu and Karnataka Circles. Our members largely benefitted from these programmes and got interaction with many other service unions in State and Central Govt.
18. Postal Inspector/Web Blog:
Postal Inspector is the authentic voice of our Association and is widely read by members and officers also. Two issues were published after last AIC. However, the magazine could not be brought out at periodic intervals due to paucity of fund and also the laborious work involved. Very few Circles/members have paid subscription towards this magazine. Many circles have not extended financial assistance. But most of the information is now posted in the Web Blog of the CHQ immediately, the members are apprised of the latest developments as and when they occur.
19. Amendments to Constitution:
In the All India Conference held at Kolkata, the monthly subscription to be collected from each member was revised from Rs 20/- to Rs 30/- and the clause 38 “ Subscription” of Part III (Circle Association) stood amended to that extend. It is proposed to revise it from Rs.30 to Rs.50/- as the cost of living and the management of the affairs of the Association has increased.
20. Relationship with Administration:
During the period under review, the General Secretary maintained cordial relationship with the Directorate, Secretary Posts and Members of Postal Services Board were also met frequently to apprise them of pending issues and several issues have also been resolved due to timely intervention.
21. Relationship with other unions:
General Secretary and all leaders of our Association are maintaining good relation with our sister unions. GS was invited by other unions for discussion on important issues and local problems.
22. Financial Review:
The financial position of CHQ is not so sound. This is because of poor support from Circles. The Circles are required to remit their quota to CHQ periodically. But this is not being done. As a result, the CHQ faces financial constraints. Details of Receipt and Payments account will be presented by our CHQ Treasurer.
23.Promotion/Retirement of leaders:
During the period, several members/leaders of our Association were either promoted or have retired from this cadre. Shri Dinesh Khare, CHQ President, Smt. TV Sundari, Assistant General Secretary, Shri M Jayanth Kumar, Shri Sadhan Kumar Sinha, Circle President, Jharkhand Circle, Shri G.C.Mohanty, former Circle Secretary, Odisha, Shri M.S.Badwe, Circle President, Maharashtra, Shri DC Sharma, Circle President of Delhi Circle, Shri Norat Mal Mali, former CHQ Office Bearer from Rajathan Circle and Shri. R.K. Joshi, OGS from Punjab Circle got promotion in to PS Group B. Shri. V. Periyasamy, Shri. M.Andiappan and Shri. P. Henry Raj, all active members from Tamilnadu have since retired. Their services were precious to us and for their contributions; this Association remains indebted to them.
Let us march with hope and courage. There are several demanding issues that defy some solution. We need to be constantly watchful and guide the future course of action with a pragmatic approach. The future is ours. I take this opportunity to thank Shri. Dinesh Khare, CHQ President, my predecessor Sri S.Samuel who gave me timely guidance and Shri. P.R. Satyanarayanan, former CHQ President and Shri. S. Ravi , former CHQ Treasurer, Shri. Hari Mohan, Circle Secretary from Punjab Circle and Smt. T.V. Sundari, AGS for all support they have extended and once again acknowledge the immense contribution made by every one of the members of our Association through their dedication and commitment.
IP & ASP Association Zindabad ! Zindabad! Zindabad!
Ever in your service,