Monday, April 22, 2013

Letter written by GS to Secretary (Posts)...Regarding Non implementation of Modified Assured Carrier Scheme for Inspector Posts/Assistant Supdt. Posts cadre in true spirit.

No. CHQ/IPASP/MACP/UTR/2012                                         Dated : 22/4/2013 

Ms P. Gopinath,
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi 110 001.  

Subject : Non implementation of Modified Assured Carrier Scheme for Inspector Posts / Assistant Supdt. Posts cadre in true spirit.

 Respected Madam,  

               Your kind attention is invited to this Associations letter of even number dated 10/12/2012 and 4/3/2013 wherein justice being denied to our members due to non convening of DPC for grant of timely MACP by circles was brought to the notice of Directorate but unfortunately no attention seems to have been paid at Directorate level towards above said letters, as till this date, neither the above cited letters acknowledged nor replied.  

              This Association would like to bring to your kind notice that, DOPT has already issued crystal clear instructions under their OM No. 35034/3/2008-Estt(D) dated 19/5/2009 stating that cases maturing during the first half (April-September) of a particular financial year shall be taken up for consideration by the Screening Committee meeting in the first week of January. Similarly, the Screening Committee meeting in the first week of July of any financial year shall process the cases that would be maturing during the second-half (October-March) of the same financial year.  

             In view of the above, this Association has requested Directorate vide above referred letters to issue instructions to all circles to follow the orders issued by DOPT both in letter and spirit, but till date many circles have not convened their pending DPCs for MACP to IP/ASP cadre. 

          It is therefore once again requested to kindly issue strict instructions to all circles to convene the pending DPCs by the end of this month.  

           A line in reply is requested. 

Yours sincerely, 

(Vilas Ingale)
General Secretary