Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) on Wednesday said it has bagged a six-year contract from the Department of Posts (DoP) worth over Rs 1,100 crore.
The scope of the project, dubbed India Post 2012, includes developing and supporting mail, finance and accounts, HR, and customer interaction management solutions for all channels including Rural ICT platform.
the deal, TCS will also manage data migration, infrastructure, Service
Level Agreement (SLA), call centre and centralised 24x7 service desk
operation for DoP, it said.
end-to-end security solutions, Enterprise Management System (EMS) and
over all integration for entire system is the responsibility of core
system integrator ( CSI), the statement said.
Post has a vision of being a technology-enabled self-reliant market
leader and is looking to move from a government service provider to a
customer-enabled service provider where the customer will be the focus
of multifarious service delivery platforms," DoP Secretary P Gopinath
Increased urbanisation, demand for financial services, increased funding by
the government for the weaker sections and the rural sector have opened
up new opportunities for India Post, which has necessitated development
of new processes and supporting technology.
core system integrator project is about service delivery transformation
through a technology-led, service- oriented approach to offer world
class delivery of postal services to Indian citizens," TCS Vice
President and Global Head (Government Industry Solutions Unit) Tanmoy
Chakrabarty said.
Source:-The Economic Times